Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Is everybody ready to see the costume?

Ugg. Fat Face strikes again! Can't wait for the swelling to go away!
Ta-Da! I didn't have enough paint to do the pants as well, so I just wore my jeans. I also wore this today to my OB/GYN appointment and all the nurses and other patients thought it was so cute. I think the bow really adds to the cuteness. :)
I think the head looks like a crash test dummy, but whatever! It was the best I could do!

I hope everybody has a wonderful and safe Halloween!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Costumes

Our ward is doing a Trunk-or-Treat this year and Matt and I are dressing up! My original idea for a costume is not going to work. I thought it would be fun to be a pirate lady carrying a cannon ball, but in execution, the cannon ball idea just didn't come through. It just looked like I was wearing a black t-shirt with a weird string thing hanging off of it.

Any way, since the trunk-or-treat is happening this Saturday, I've had to scramble a last minute idea for a costume and I think I've found it!

Kinda creepy, yet kind of cute, right?

I love this blog because it's a little bit of everything (but mostly sewing) and I know I could totally pull this together pretty quick. The only hard part will be finding a long sleeved black shirt for me that I'm okay with painting a skeleton on. I don't want to pay full price, ya know? So here's hoping I can find something cheap!

I will definitely post pictures of the two of us wearing our skeleton costumes at the trunk-or-treat next week!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

There is nothing better...

Than an ice cold glass of apple cider. I just cannot explain for refreshing and delicious it is. The only thing I can conceivably come close is.... drum roll please!

Love the veggie baskets!

Totally awesome carved pumpkins and squashes!

My sister made that red dress!
Found this little guy over in the garden section.
The State Fair! Ok, ok, I know this is totally corny but I *love* the state fair. There is so much to see, do and taste that it can't hardly be fit into one day! My favorite parts have got to be the big giant vegetables, or maybe the hideously dressed people that come out every year, or perhaps it's all the food! I can't ever decide which part is the best!

Can anyone guess what I have in common with this watermelon?
And this year, the fair is even more fun because not only did enter one of the fair's competitions, but a few people I know did as well! My sister entered a few items, namely a quilt, and won 5th place!! I don't know if she won any prize money, but that's still an achievement! Also, a friend of mine, Britt Brostrom, was recently featured in the New and Observer for winning 3rd place in a pie contest! She also won 1st place in the horseshoe throwing contest! Way to go Britt!

I, on the other hand, did not do as well as I had hoped.

There were no ribbons on my pictures, which was a major bummer, but it was still cool to see my photo hanging on the wall like a real gallery. Here I am with my picture (sorry for the blurriness! It's the only one I got!).

I am *so* tired after the 5 hour trip to the fair. I just cannot keep up with my sister (power walking champion of the world) with my back and feet hurting like they do! I tried, but in vain. By the end, I was limping along quite pitifully. Oh, but I had such a great time, seeing the giant vegetables, eating lots of food and having the weight-guessing carnies comment on my immanency (which is not immanent enough!). Regardless of the heckling I received, I am glad I went today. And I'm looking forward to going again. On Thursday. With Matt. :) Hope everyone can make it to the fair this year (and if you do, be sure to go see my photo!!) and have a great time!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Belly pictures

I apologize about the quality, as I only had my phone to take pictures with, but here are a few pictures of my belly. (I also want to say it's a lot harder to get a side picture of yourself that isn't crooked.) It's getting pretty big and obnoxious, especially when the two year old wants to sit on your lap to snuggle while you read books at night. Also, it kind of sucks when said two year old pushes/kicks/falls on the belly. Ouch!

I can't see my toes anymore, so I tilted the camera out a little. It's good to know they're still there somewhere!
Here's hoping I don't get too much bigger. I won't, right... right? 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

People ask the strangest things

Sunday, I was asked (by a father of 4 mind you) what it was like being pregnant. What immediately came out of my mouth was, "You have a wife and four children. Ask her." He blushed, but persisted in saying that he thought it must be better than digging holes or something. I quickly corrected him, remarking on how much I would take the back breaking labor any day. Just a thought...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Halloween Blocks

I saw some blocks like this on another craft blog (can't remember which) that was actually about something else. They just happened to be in the picture and I thought to myself, "I could make those." My sister (Thanks Megan!) cut out the letters for me and supplied the blocks. I spray-painted them black (using the new Martha Stewart spray paint stuff - totally awesome!) then gave 'em a coat of slime green, just for good measure.
Freshly painted slime green
After that, I put the letters on the paper and mod-podged the heck out of those suckers. What do you think?
Final product. Cute, non?
I am so excited about Halloween this year! :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

And the winner is...

Jumping Jellyfish!

After much deliberation, I narrowed it down to three photos and had them all printed. When they arrived, it was pretty evident which one was the winner. I had it framed (and still can't believe how much it cost) and it's ready to be dropped off at the fairgrounds later this week! I've got my fingers crossed and I have lowered my expectations to just having it deemed worthy to be a part of the competition! Apparently, just because you enter your work in the competition does not mean it's automatically good enough to be a part of the competition and get hung up on the walls at the fair. Crazy, right?

Well, regardless, I'm going to hang it on my walls when this is over. Unless, of course, someone at the fair decides they must have it and buys it from me. :) A girl can dream, right?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's starting to feel real...

Yesterday, we bought our car seat and stroller. So, we now have two strollers (one jogging, one standard), a car seat and a base. On the way home from the store, it really hit me hard that there will be a new little person coming home with me. Soon. I've always intellectually known this. It's hard to forget. But it just doesn't feel real to me. It's almost like it has been this romantic idea that maybe, might one day happen, but probably not. It's hard to remove myself from the whole pregnancy equation and really know that there is a whole new being coming... and that I'm going to be responsible for it.


Needless to say, I am completely and thoroughly freaked out.
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