Monday, May 11, 2009

Wedding bells are ringing!

It seems like I am in the time of young adulthood where most of my single friends are starting to get married. This is very strange to me. I don't know why, but it kind of freaks me out. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for everyone but I've been the only one that was married for so long, that it seems odd that everybody else is following suit.

Any way, this past weekend I was participating in Becky Lou's wedding. I love this woman to death! We worked together at the church bookstore a few years ago and despite my inability to stay in contact with anyone I don't see on a regular basis, she has kept track of me! :) She and Ryland were sealed on Saturday. (One of the perks of getting married so young is that I have been able to attend the ceremony in the temple for many of my friends) Becky looked wonderful and Ryland looked like he'd just won the best prize ever.

Becky called me earlier this week and asked me to play the music at the ring ceremony in Greenville, which I hesitantly said yes to. I think it turned out alright even though half of my music mysteriously disappeared a few minutes before the ceremony only to reappear a minute before I sat down to play. I've learned that I don't deal well with crises and don't do well under pressure. I'm going to be the hysterical one running around screaming if I'm ever in a hostage situation. You know, the one that gets shot first. At least the end will be quick... Any way, I digress.

The ceremony was short, but a classic Verne Pyne performance. I love that guy! I wonder how many ceremonies he's performed over the years. Any way, the reception was nice, the cake was delicious and everything was great. I really liked Becky's "going away" dress. It had a cool vintage look to it. I hope that they are happy together forever!

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