Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Writting is harder than it looks

So, I'm writing the script for the youth musical I'm directing and it's much harder than I expected. I think I have a tendency to over analyze every line and where that line could take the show. In fact, I scrapped the whole script yesterday and rewrote the first three pages. I know this is all a part of the editing process (and I can honestly say the show is going in a better direction for the youth involved), but it was a little bit discouraging to start over and to have failed so terribly on my first try.

And you know what else, I've realized that I crave validation and approval. I had my co-director read over the script and see what she thought and she liked it. She made some good critiques, but it meant so much to me that someone else thought I had written something presentable (corny, maybe but presentable). So thank you Courtney! I really need a gentle nudge from time to time in the ego department. :)

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