Saturday, June 21, 2008


I have been tagged. I'm not sure what that means really other than I have to confess 6 random things about myself. So, here it goes.
  1. I have my Canadian passport. It expires next year, but I have it nonetheless. Because my parents are both Canadian, I am a dual citizen.
  2. I secretly have always wanted to be an actress. I think I've always had a flair for the dramatic and I used to practice making myself cry.
  3. There are very few things I truly hate in this world, but I really, really HATE cold weather without the consolation of snow.
  4. I still get scared when there's a really nasty thunderstorm outside. I know that it's dumb and childish, but I just can't get over it.
  5. My parents don't have any baby pictures of me. They have tons and tons of my sister and tons of my brother, but none of me. How fair is that?
  6. My dream car is a 1968 Ford Mustang Coupe. Oh.... it is a thing of beauty.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Da Beach!

So this weekend, I went with my brother-in-law's family to the beach. They are moving to Colorado later this week and had one last hurrah on the east coast. We left Friday morning and drove to Virginia Beach. We spent a few hours playing at the beach and then headed back to our hotel in Newport News. The next day we spent all day at the beach. I don't know how many people realize how much I love the beach, but I truly adore the beach. I don't know what it is about it, but it cleanses the soul and rejuvenates the spirit. I know that sounds cheesy and cliche, but it's true. The kids had a blast and Lori (My sister-in-law who gets really bad headaches when she spends too much time in the heat) actually had a pretty good time. We went to church on Sunday with a friend of Lori's who used to live in Raleigh and then spent the rest of the day at her house with her and her kids. Susan's (Lori's friend) husband is in the Navy and is currently deployed somewhere in the Atlantic (or so we assume). On Monday, we went to Water Country USA. We were only there for a little while because Lori got a really bad headache. Needless to say that Savannah was not happy. She pouted the entire way home. Any way, I am back safe a sound and I'm going to try to port more often I promise. :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lab Activities Chair

I am a self-nominated activities chair for our lab group. Today was our first outing. We went to a pottery painting place in north Raleigh. It was a lot of fun! The group included Me, Ruth (our lab coordinator of sorts), her son Brent, Caroline and Sara. I made a sushi plate to match my new kitchen. Normally, when I try these sorts of painting projects, they don't turn out very well. I was very happy with how it turned out.

Our next outing is karaoke. That will be interesting...

In other related news, our house has both radon and termites. Joy. So, we're treating the termites and mitigating the radon. I'm a little disappointed that there seems to be so much wrong with this house. But, at least we have plenty of time to get things fixed before we close. I'm so grateful for our real estate agent who has been on the ball since the start. He knows his stuff and has been very forth coming with everything. I would recommend him to anyone! If anyone is in the market for a real estate agent, let me know!!
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