Sunday, March 1, 2009

Adventures in Paintland: The Room Saga (part deux)

This week is spring break!! I am ecstatic to have this time off. With all of this free time on my hands, I launched straight into project-mode. When we first bought the house, we bought a bunch of paint (because I couldn't stand the purple that was on the walls). We painted two rooms but then lost steam.

So, when spring break came 'round, I busted out the paint cans. Originally, I bought a blue-green paint for both the bathroom and the bedroom, but I decided that would be boring and re-purposed some tan (that was meant for another room) and decided to do two colors in the bedroom. We did tan on three walls and one accent wall with the blue-green color. It looks awesome.

And so, continuing in my effort to show more pictures of our house, I give you: the bedroom.


  1. Those are the EXACT same colors I picked for my bedroom, but since we're in a rental we can't paint! It looks great! I might try an accent wall in blue green too!

  2. it's lovely! Can't wait to see it in person.


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