Monday, September 12, 2011

Chowda, of the corn variety

It has been entirely too long without a Teri-original recipe on here! So, to satisfy this urge, I decided to share the best corn chowda recipe you'll ever find. :) Be forewarned that this soup makes A LOT and is insanely delicious. The recipe will be after the break!

Corn Chowda

  • 4 cups milk
  • 4 large red potatoes (you can use regular russets but they will end up kind of mushy)
  • 2 cans of creamed corn
  • 1 can of sweet kernel corn (you can use frozen too!)
  • 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  • 1 cup of grated cheese, reserve a 1/4 cup for garnishing
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 8-12 strips of cooked bacon crumbled, reserve a small portion for garnishing (depending on how much you like bacon)
  • 2 green onions,chopped, reserve a small amount for garnishing
  • 3 tablespoons of flour mixed with 1/4 cup of milk or water (optional-depending on how thick you like your chowda!)
  • Pour the milk into the pot and turn the heat to medium-high. 
  • Chop the potatoes into bite-sized chunks and put in the pot. You will cook your potatoes with the soup, eliminating the need to pre-cook them (however, if you've already got some cooked and ready to go, it will make the soup cook up a lot faster!). 
  • Let this cook for 7-10 minutes Watch the pot to make sure the milk doesn't froth up on you and adjust the heat as needed to prevent it from bubbling over. 
  • Add the cans of corn, garlic and cheese. Cook until the potatoes are mostly cooked. 
  • Depending on how thick you like your chowda (I like mine REALLY thick), add more or less of the flour and milk mixture to thicken your soup. 
    • Side Note: The creamed corn, cheese and starch from the potatoes should create a thick-ish consistency and if that's good enough for you, then don't add any of the flour and milk mixture. Adding the whole flour mixture will thicken up your soup considerably. If you do decide to add any or all of the flour and milk mixture, SHAKE IT UP REALLY GOOD. Flour lumps are never tasty. 
  • Once the soup has thickened, add the green onion, bacon. Sprinkle with reserved cheese on top. Serve immediately!
Sorry there aren't any pictures. It disappears too quickly in this house to get a picture of it! I'll also be doing a focaccia bread recipe soon too, as I recently had a win in that department last night! Go me!

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