I'm also going to go total tourist. I left Atlanta when I was 13 or 14 so I don't remember doing many of the touristy things there (other than the World of Coke. I mean, come on? Who doesn't want to go to the World of Coke again and again?). I'm also really excited to go to the aquarium they built after I moved. So watch out fishies! I'm coming with my camera!
Speaking of cameras, here's a few of the better pictures I've taken!
I love these duckies! I pretend they're me and Matt. I'm the one quacking at Matt and he's the one ignoring me. :)
I spent a whole day with my sister and E. 99% of the picture I took, E had the most serious look on her face. Now I know where she gets it.
When E was napping, Megan and I made these journals for her young women's personal progress. I'm particularly proud of this one.
Where is a cat's favorite place to sleep? On freshly laundered blankets of course! Where else?
I *love* this picture of E. It is so her!
Here's one of the few "smiling" pictures I got.
Greg's parents are serving a mission in China. They send back cool things.
And of course I have to end with this one. E threw her cup on the floor and Megan won't pick it up. Life is hard when you're little.
Any way, I hope you enjoyed the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them! 'm definitely going to be taking a lot more! :)